Article number: |
07.5.3 |
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12 |
VIMI Bottom Longlasting
The composition VIMI Bottom Longlasting is balanced to meet the needs of the plants of new aquarium. The fertilizer can be used and for slower growing plants. The fertilizer dissolves slowly.
The fertilizer has all the elements and substances necessary for plants.
When nutrients are supplied for plants only through water, plants can’t assimilate nutrients as effective as it would be if the nutrients would be supplied through roots. Plants fertilized through their leaves and roots will grow faster and denser.
- Fertilizing plants through their roots, will ensure faster, denser growth, the colors of plants will become more vibrant.
- Fertilizing plants through their roots will reduce the need of fertilizing through water.
- More stable biological system is developed in the aquarium (if the plant feels lack of nutrients in the water, it can take nutrients from the substrate fertilizer).
- VIMI Bottom Longlasting has a very long-lasting effect.
- Substrate capsules will allow you holidays. The plants fertilized through their roots will survive perfectly up to two weeks even without fertilizers through water.
We recommend inserting capsules under the roots of slowly growing aquarium plants deeper into the substrate not closer than 10 cm from each other. The fertilizer is effective in the substrate up to 4 month.
N-P-K, microelements etc.
Frits 24-11-2019 12:50
Nu enkele maanden in gebruik onder de wortels van een aantal Echinodorus. Planten doen het er prima op.
Probeer de capsules echt onder de bases van de plant in het grind te schuiven, anders ploppen ze heel vervelend weer naar boven.
F Rosema 06-02-2018 07:14
Koper heeft geen omschrijving achtergelaten.
J Langelaan 23-01-2018 15:44
Makkelijk in gebruik. Plaats de capsules wel diep genoeg anders komen ze boven de grond uit. Mijn planten groeien goed dus een prima product
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