A moss speciality from Brasil, 1-3 cm tall, called "Christmas tree moss'', because of its side branch structure which distinguishes it from ordinary Vesicularia dubyana and looks like fir tree branches. Length: 12-15 cm.
Driftwood +- 15-20 centimeters with Anubias. 100% safe and can immediately be placed in the aquarium.
Driftwood with javamoss. The moss becomes 3-10 cm thick and grows willingly on any surface. Available in 2 sizes: S (15-20cm) and M (20-30cm).
Mangrovewood with self-attached Bolbitis heudelotii. Bolbitis comes from West Africa, a fern with beautiful, transparent green leaves, 15-40 cm tall and wide.
Driftwood +- 10-30 centimeters with Java fern. 100% safe and can immediately be placed in the aquarium.