This red/Broad Leaf version of Cryptocoryne undulata grows wild in rivers of Sri Lanka. It is an easy plant, tolerant of very different conditions in an aquarium. Appearance of the plant will partially depend on these conditions. Heighth: 15-30cm.
The Sagittaria subulata is a fast grower and an ideal plant to use as ground cover. Gets +- 10 centimeters high.
Juncus repens originates from swampy areas of south-east North America. This grasslike plant is rather undemanding in cultivation. Under unhindered light and with a good dose of micronutrients, this plant assumes a reddish-brown hue. Under moderate light,
Cryptocoryne beckettii 'Petchii' is a small variety of Cryptocoryne beckettii from Sri Lanka, which has beautiful, slightly fluted leaf margins, 10-15 cm long. Leaves become dark olive-brown with violet underside.
Bucephalandra 'Bukit Kelam' (wavy green) is an easy, slow-growing plant that prefers lower light levels. A nice, dense appearance is ensured by the willingness to branch, even without trimming. The green leaves are 2 cm wide and 5 cm long with wavy edges.
Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' is a plant that is characterized by many large leaves of fresh green color. This plant is easy to hold. Gets +- 25 centimeters high.
The Asiatic Rotala sp. ‘Green’ is very similar to Rotala rotundifolia, but its leaves remain fresh and bright green, even with intensive light. Stems becomes 40-50 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.
The appearance of Littorella uniflora makes it an easily recognizable plant in the aquarium. Each rosette is planted separately with a distance of a few cm. They will readily send out runners. In time a very characteristic carpet of fat and fleshy leave
The Latin name means "the plant with the round leaves'', but this only applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. Rotala rotundifolia from South-East Asia has 15-30 long stems (2-3 cm wide) and long, narrow leaves.
Helanthium ‘Quadricostatus’ from South America has characteristic light-green leaves 10-15 cm long which form a good contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It is most beautiful when planted in groups, each roset becoming 15-20 cm wide.
Heteranthera zosterifolia is an aquarium plant that forms shoots with narrow leaves. Gets +- 35-40 high. Very easy plant.
Spiky’ is Asiatic and grows 2-10 cm tall. Best described as Christmas moss' big brother, it is bigger and forms many deep green, branched shoots. Spiky moss does best on vertical surfaces where the branched shoots will show.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity.