Basic food for all tropical fish. Promotes health and colors. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
Sinking basic food for all tropical fish. Promotes health and colors. For small-medium fish. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
Sinking basic food for all tropical fish. Promotes health and colors. For medium/large fish. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
Additional color-enhancing food for freshwater fish. Enhances the colors by natural pigments. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
HS-aqua spirulina flakes is an additional food for freshwater fish. Ideal for plant eaters, like livebearers and Tanganyika Cichlids. Content: 100, 200, 400 or 1000ml.
HS-aqua artemia flakes is an additional food for all tropical fish. Ideal for carnivorous fish and shrimp. Available in 200, 400 and 1000ml.
HS-aqua artemia pellets is an additional food for all tropical fish. Ideal for carnivorous fish and shrimp. Available in 100, 200 or 400ml.
HS aqua Guppy Flakes are a colour enhancing, complete food for Guppies and other live-bearing toothcarps with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and colour enhancing, natural pigments.
HS-aqua Gold pellets is pellet food for all goldfish. Complete nutrition with garlic, spirulina, silkworms and vitamin C. Available in 100, 200 or 1000 ml.
HS aqua Hi-Gold Pellets is a sinking, balanced, complete mixed food for goldfish with easily digestible proteins and colour-enhancing, natural pigments to support the growth, health and colour of your fish.
Additional food for freshwater fish. Ideal for plant eaters, catfish and Tanganyika Cichlids. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000 ml.
HS aqua discus granules with high content of predigested proteins, easy to digest, low waste. Available in 200/400/1000 ml.
Hs Aqua Cichlid Flakes is a balanced, complete basic food for Cichlids with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and natural color enhancing pigments. Content: 200 or 400 ml.
HS Aqua Cichlid pellets S is a balanced, complete Basic food Cichlids with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and natural color enhancing pigments. Content: 200,400 or 1000ml.
HS Aqua Cichlid pellets M is a balanced, complete Basic food Cichlids with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and natural color enhancing pigments. Content: 200,400 or 1000ml.
HS aqua Nature Treat Tubifex FD is a food supplement for carnivorous fish such as tetras, catfish and cichlids. Content: 100 or 200 ml.
HS aqua Nature Treat Blood Worms FD is an additional food rich in proteins for carnivorous fish like salmonidae, catfish and cichlids. Content: 100 or 200 ml.
HS Aqua Nature Treat Daphnia SD is a 100% natural, ballast rich feed and ideally combined with a balanced quality feed. Content: 100 or 200ml.
HS aqua Betta Flakes is a colour enhancing, complete food for fighting fish and other labyrinth fish with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and colour enhancing and natural pigments. Content: 100ml.