Basic food for all tropical fish. Promotes health and colors. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
Sinking basic food for all tropical fish. Promotes health and colors. For small-medium fish. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
Sinking basic food for all tropical fish. Promotes health and colors. For medium/large fish. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
Additional color-enhancing food for freshwater fish. Enhances the colors by natural pigments. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000ml.
HS-aqua spirulina flakes is an additional food for freshwater fish. Ideal for plant eaters, like livebearers and Tanganyika Cichlids. Content: 100, 200, 400 or 1000ml.
HS-aqua artemia flakes is an additional food for all tropical fish. Ideal for carnivorous fish and shrimp. Available in 200, 400 and 1000ml.
HS-aqua artemia pellets is an additional food for all tropical fish. Ideal for carnivorous fish and shrimp. Available in 100, 200 or 400ml.
HS-aqua Gold pellets is pellet food for all goldfish. Complete nutrition with garlic, spirulina, silkworms and vitamin C. Available in 100, 200 or 1000 ml.
Additional food for freshwater fish. Ideal for plant eaters, catfish and Tanganyika Cichlids. Content: 100/200/400 or 1000 ml.
HS aqua discus granules with high content of predigested proteins, easy to digest, low waste. Available in 200/400/1000 ml.
Hs Aqua Cichlid Flakes is a balanced, complete basic food for Cichlids with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and natural color enhancing pigments. Content: 200 or 400 ml.
HS Aqua Cichlid pellets S is a balanced, complete Basic food Cichlids with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and natural color enhancing pigments. Content: 200,400 or 1000ml.
HS Aqua Cichlid pellets M is a balanced, complete Basic food Cichlids with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and natural color enhancing pigments. Content: 200,400 or 1000ml.
HS aqua Nature Treat Tubifex FD is a food supplement for carnivorous fish such as tetras, catfish and cichlids. Content: 100 or 200 ml.
HS aqua Nature Treat Blood Worms FD is an additional food rich in proteins for carnivorous fish like salmonidae, catfish and cichlids. Content: 100 or 200 ml.
HS Aqua Nature Treat Daphnia SD is a 100% natural, ballast rich feed and ideally combined with a balanced quality feed. Content: 100 or 200ml.
HS aqua Betta Flakes is a colour enhancing, complete food for fighting fish and other labyrinth fish with a high content of easily digestible, vegetable and animal proteins and colour enhancing and natural pigments. Content: 100ml.