Dupla Ground color Midland Sand is a mix of fine sand with small natural pebbles. The grain size is 0.4-8.0 millimeters. Dupla Ground color is pH neutral, CO2 and medication resistant and is safe for all aquarium habitants. Available in 5 and 10 kilos.
Sera siporax mini Professional was developed especially for smaller aquariums up to a volume of approximately 100 liters. It allows maximum increase of the settling surface for purification bacteria but has a compact shape at the same time.
Juwel Phorax is a highly effective filter medium used to break down phosphates in your aquarium. This effectively reduces the growth of algae and can contribute to improved plant growth.
SL-aqua milione filter bacteria is a high-quality powder consisting of millions of filter bacteria. Filter bacteria are essential in every aquarium as these break down waste products and maintain the natural balance. Content: 70 or 200 grams.
Who says you can not remove algae in style? This stainless steel algae remover will help remove all algae on your glass without couching scratches. 30 to 60 centimeters long.
Driftwood +- 15-20 centimeters with Anubias. 100% safe and can immediately be placed in the aquarium.
The eheim air diffuser has been specially designed to degrade air in very small bubbles. This ensures optimal absorption of oxygen into the aquarium.
By using the whole bottom as an aquarium filter, large quantities of bacteria can live in the substrate which keeps your aquarium clean and balanced. Under gravel filters are ideal for keeping shrimp. This kit contains 12 panels and 1 riser pipe.
Hexamita is a unique treatment that combats 'Hole in the head' disease and other disease for Discus and other Cichlids. Content: 20 ml for 800 liter aquarium water.
Superfish Scpaper LED 112 lighting for excellent plant growth. Designed for open and closed aquariums. For aquarium size of 93-112 cm. Power: 44 Watt.
Dirt, fats, proteins and micro-organisms form an oily film at the surface of the aquarium. With the Surface Skimmer this dirt is continuously extracted, so that the water surface remains clean and clear. Capacity: 300l/h.
Water Change and Soil Cleaner combined with a practical suction pipe and closing clip with 2 different suction pipes. Diameter 6-8 mm for gentle flow, including extension piece up to 50 cm.
Polyester fibres specially explored for the filtration of water, guarantee maximum filtration for aquaristic. Available in 100/250 & 500 gram.
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv' is a patented variety of Microsorum pteropus, named after Tropica's founder Holger Windeløv. Its finely branched leaf tips make it one of the most beautiful aquarium plants. The Microsorum variety becomes 15-20 cm tall and w
The sera UVC-Xtreme 800 is an efficient and energy saving external filter of the newest generation. For aquariums of 100-800 liter.
Voogle creates excellent water conditions for fish and other animals in freshwater aquariums. Safe for shrimp!
Calibration solution for your pH-meter. Suitable for every type of pH-meter. Very easy to create with 250 ml of water. It is recommended to calibrate the pH-meter 3 times a year to ensure reliable values.
The A II series LED lights from Chihiros are specially designed for densely planted freshwater aquariums. This LED lamp is suitable for aquariums with a width of 45cm.
The Chihiros C series light is perfect for nano tanks or Wabi-Kusa setups. For aquariums up to 36 cm.
This Inca rock wall is an ornament from the Aqua Della Wall range. These walls are ideal for installing terraces in your aquarium to create height differences. Available in 2 different sizes.
Leptodictyum riparium is a slender, upright moss that tolerates both high and low temperatures. Leptodictyum riparium is often called "stringy moss".