High-quality brine shrimp (artemia salina) eggs from pure Siberian salt lakes are suitable for all kind of aquarium fish, fry, shrimps and many other invertebrates.
Canned Brine Shrimps is a high-quality food based on an innovative feeding concept. Selected, cultivated Artemia were directly preserved in the present can by high-pressure heat sterilization in their own juice. Content: 100 gram.
Canned Bloodworms is a high-quality food based on an innovative feeding concept. Selected, cultivated bloodworms were preserved directly in the present can by means of high-pressure heat sterilization in their own juice. Content: 100 gram.
Special tablets food containing algae. Contains a minimum of 20% Spirulina algae. Supports natural colouring and general fish health. Available in 50 and 250ml.
Mix discs are a complete sinking food for all ornamental fish and shellfish living on the bottom of freshwater and saltwater aquariums. The three mixed types of discs contain astaxanthin, algae, natural carotene and a wide range of natural raw materials
Special flake food for all aquarium fish, water reptiles and vivarium animals. Contains predominantly Tubifex. Does not cloud water.
Canned Cyclops is a high-quality food based on an innovative feeding concept. Selected, cultivated cyclops (copepods) of 0.3 - 0.5 mm in size were directly preserved in their own juice by high-pressure heat sterilisation in the present can. Content: 100 g
Special flake food for all kinds of fish. Contains natural substances, which maintain the beauty and natural colouring of fish. Does not cloud water.
Flake food energy is a supplementary flake food. Suitable for all types of aquarium fish. Aloe vera extract and L-carnitine aid digestion by decomposing and dissolving excess fat.
Food for all kinds of tropical fish. Contains several kinds of lyophilised plankton. Available in 50 and 250ml.