Aqauel manufactures a wide range of aquarium products, but focuses mainly on the technical side and therefore has a wide range of aquarium filters and heaters. When you choose Aquael you are sure of a high quality and sustainable product.
The Aquael turbo filter is a compact but efficient internal filter for aquariums. Completely safe for shrimps and crayfish. Outflow: 2000 liters per hour.
The Aquael turbo filter is a compact but efficient internal filter for aquariums. Completely safe for shrimps and crayfish. Outflow: 1000 liters per hour.
The Aquael Versamax FZN-3 is specially designed for filtering water in large size tanks with an content of 200 to 300 liters.
Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night is an LED lamp with a minimalist design for small aquariums. Now with added new Day & Night feature. Choose one of three light modes depending on your needs – two daylight modes and one night mode. This new light will make yo
Leddy Smart Sunny Day & Night is an LED lamp with a minimalist design for small aquariums. Now with added new Day & Night feature. Choose one of three light modes depending on your needs – two daylight modes and one night mode. This new light will make yo
The Aquael Ultra Heaters are designed for the aquariums of today. This heater has a power of 200 watts and is suitable for aquariums with 130-200 liters.
The Aquael Comfort Zone Fix are designed for maintaining aquarium water at a constant temperature of 25 degrees Celcius in the Aquarium. For aquariums of 25-50 liters.
The Aquael Comfort Zone Fix are designed for maintaining aquarium water at a constant temperature of 25 degrees Celcius in the Aquarium. For aquariums of 10-25 liters.
The Aquael unifilter 1000 is an internal filter for aquariums with a capacity of 250-350 liters. Including automatic aerating and UV Lamp for crystal clear water.
STERILIZER UV 3W – a sterilizer designed for use with canister filters with hoses of diameter 16/18 mm.
Its most important element is a chamber containing a 3-watt light bulb emitting UV-C light that kills algae, protozoa and bacteria.
High-grade activated carbon. Activated carbon has a large binding capacity for filtering impurities and chemical substances from the water.
The traditional gravel cleaner for the aquarium. This gravel cleaner makes cleaning the bottom & windows easy and fun.
The Aquael Leddy Smart Plant V2 6 watt is a compact aquarium LED lighting that is suitable for aquariums of 10-50 liters. The color spectrum is specially formulated for optimal plant growth and beautiful lighting of the animals.
Additional filter chamber for the Aquael turbo filter 500 and the circulator 500. Can be filled with any filter medium.
Extra sponge for aquael Turbo Filter 1000 t/m 2000.
Aquael BioCeraMax is a unique filter medium for biological filtration in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Provides attachment for good bacteria. Total attachment area of 1600m².
The Flow Heater is the first one featuring a Smart Heating System (SHS) – a smart power adjustment technology. The heater is mounted outside of the aquarium, so it does not take up space inside the tank and gives more freedom in terms of the interior arra
The Aquael circulator 1000 is a circulation pump, which has an output of 1000 liters per hour.
The Aquael Ultra Heaters are designed for the aquariums of today. This heater has a power of 75 watts and is suitable for aquariums with 35-75 liters.