Beautiful green mosses in the aquarium are gorgeous to look at and very useful. You can find them here!
Taxiphyllum barbieri from South-East Asia is a hardy plant which makes few demands on the water or light. The moss becomes 3-10 cm thick and grows willingly on any surface, so it is ideal for decorating stones and tree roots or concealing installations in
Our Christmas moss is grown under water (Emmers). This makes it super strong moss, which starts easy. We have 75 cc and 150 cc portions.
Spiky moss (Taxiphyllum sp) in cup of 75 or 150cc. Beautiful green and strong moss. Ideal to bind wood or stone. Grows with many offshoots '' spiky ''.
Weeping moss (Vesicularia ferriei) is a moss species which grows downwards. This moss is therefore ideal to tie on to something or to hide aquarium techniques.
Flame moss (Taxiphyllum sp) in cup of 75cc. Beautiful green and strong moss. Ideal to bind wood or stone. Grows straight up.
Taiwan moss (Taxiphyllum alternans) is a moss species that grows more compact than Java moss. Taiwan moss is bright green in color and easy to maintain. Available in 75cc.
Fissidens Fontanus is one of the most wanted mosses of today. A super beautiful green moss which can grow to immense proportions. On mat (7x5cm)
Riccardia chamedryfolia – a liverwort - is one of the best-looking mosses and has an incredibly intricate structure. Firm, reef-like, deep green shoots can be easily attached to driftwood and rocks. In 25cc cup.
Coral Moss (Riccardia Chamedryfolia) is a moss species that produces a lot of small leaves. The leaves of Coral moss grow very close to eachother so the moss gets realy dense. On mat (7x5cm).
The marimo moss ball - Cladophora aegagropila is a ball of green algae. The moss ball can be kept in almost any aquarium and does not have any major demands on the water values. A slow grower that requires very little to no maintenance.