Tropica in vitro aquarium plants (1-2 Grow!) are among the best quality plants in the world. These aquarium plants are very strong, get started quickly and are 100% free of toxins. 100% safe for direct use in all aquariums.
100% strong and safe for even the most sensitive animals. With the wide range of aquarium plants available, there will always be an aquarium plant that is right for your aquarium.
The in vitro aquarium plants will survive 2 weeks of shipping and will therefore always reach you in good condition!
The Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' is an nice red plant that can grow up to +- 35 - 40 centimeters.
Anubias barteri var. nana is a small, attractive plant which thrives in all conditions. It originates from Cameroon and will reach 5-10 cm height.
Anubias 'Mini Coin' is a variety of Anubias barteri . The plant is among the very smallest Anubias, each leaf smaller than a little fingernail. It is as easy to grow as its parent, and so does not like bright light.
Bacopa caroliniana originates from US, stems become 10-30 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. Apart from relatively good light it makes few demands.
The Blyxa japonica originates in the nutrient rich shallow pools of water, swamps and slowly flowing rivers in East and South East Asia. Blyxa has a distinct grass-like appearance that moves easily in the circulating aquarium water creating a sense of dyn
Bucephalandra 'Kedagang' is characterized by long, narrow, dark green leaves with white dots. The leaf can be 1-2 cm wide and up to 6 cm long. The rhizomes are red and similar to the Red variety of Bucephalandra.
Bucephalandra 'Bukit Kalem' is an easy, slow-growing plant that prefers lower light levels. A nice, dense appearance is ensured by the willingness to branch, even without trimming. The green leaves are 2 cm wide and 5 cm long with wavy edges.
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae is from the limestone mountains of Southern Thailand, where the water can be very hard. It is not very demanding, but appreciates a nutritious substrate and good light. Leaves becomes 20-60 cm long and the single rose
This beautiful variation of Cryptocoryne nurii became popular under the name 'Rose Maiden'. The plant is as easy to grow as Cryptocoryne wendtii and has the same size and leaf shape.
Cryptocoryne parva is the smallest of all Cryptocorynes (only 3-6 cm tall and a roset less than 5-8 cm wide). It is one of the few species that does not significantly change its leaf shape and colour depending on cultivation conditions.
This red/Broad Leaf version of Cryptocoryne undulata grows wild in rivers of Sri Lanka. It is an easy plant, tolerant of very different conditions in an aquarium. Appearance of the plant will partially depend on these conditions. Heighth: 15-30cm.
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green' presents beautiful, green leaves and a height from 10-15 cm with a rosette from 8-15 cm wide. When grown in an open space, the leaves will virtually lie on the bottom.
This beautiful variety of Cryptocoryne wendtii is only found in the river Mi Oya at Sri Lanka. It has characteristic red-brown, slightly hammered leaves from 20-35 cm, and 15-30 cm wide rosettes.
Dwarf Needle Grass (Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini') is as the name suggests, a grass plant for the aquarium. Gets +- 5 centimeters high.
Echinodorus 'Reni' is a well-known cultivar characterised by being amongst the smallest of the red Echinodorus, 15-40 cm tall and a roset from 15-25 wide.
This is a quite small, very narrow-leaved and almost cushion-growing plant, that demands good supply of light and CO2 to develop. The plant usually flowers very willingly after planting in the aquarium and the numerous flower stems give a unique appearanc
Glossostigma elatinoides from New Zealand is much in demand in aquariums. It is one of the smallest aquarium plants, and thus a good foreground plant. Gets +- 2-3 centimeters high.
The Gratiola viscidula is a plant that is very suitable for use in nano aquariums. Gets +- 25 centimeters high.
Helanthium ‘Quadricostatus’ from South America has characteristic light-green leaves 10-15 cm long which form a good contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It is most beautiful when planted in groups, each roset becoming 15-20 cm wide.
The Helanthium tenellum (Echinodorus tenellus) is a green plant with thin, straight leaves of 5-10 cm high and 3-5 millimeters wide.
The Hemianthus callitrichoides is one of the smallest aquarium plants in the world and crawls on the ground. The leaves are only a few millimeters wide and oval in shape. Gets +- 2-3 centimeters high.
The stem plant Hottonia from Asia and Europe is an unassuming and easy beginner plant. The many curved shoots with fanned and intensely light green leaves quickly create a close group. Each stem becomes 4-6 cm wide and 10-30 cm high.
Hydrocotyle sp."Japan" is characterised by fast, compact growth and small, intense green leaves on vertical stems. Gets +- 5 centimeters high.